Patient Name: Lisa Benjamin

Year of Birth: 1975

Occupation: Secretarial(?), SII; Sex Worker (Stripper), Lusty Lady

Original Complaint (physical): Lack of energy, fatigue

Original Complaint (psychological): angry violent outbursts

Brief Summary: Ms. Lisa Benjamin works as a secretary at SII by day and as a stripper at the Lusty Lady by night. Lisa thought she needed therapy to help her deal with the stresses of leading a double life, but it's the exploitative and surprisingly addictive side to being a sex worker that provides the real motivation for therapy. Lisa suffers from fits of sudden rage and unbearable fatigue. And her addiction to amphetamines is getting out of control. Total number of sessions: 6.

Brief Impression: Lisa is a young woman who is rebelling against demons from her past which she'd prefer not to exorcise.

Tentative Diagnosis: Lisa may be suffering from amphetamine intoxication

Current Medications: Lisa is on progesterone-only birth control pills and may be taking illicit methamphetamines.

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