Kelly, a new patient, is a deaf woman with a strong emotional response to perceived insults or condescension.
Kelly's childhood is dominated by her mother who really wanted a normal, hearing daughter.
Although forced to operate in both the hearing and the deaf worlds, Kelly feels alienated from both of them.
While Kelly has a strong interest in sex, her sexual history seems to be marred by disappointments.
Kelly has a sexual encounter with a young man who has no idea that she's deaf.
Kelly is concerned that her significant interest in sex marks her as a nymphomaniac.
Kelly is disappointed in Tom's apparent lack of interest in her.
Kelly has been scalded by her mother's icy reserve.
A roommate seduces Kelly into her first homosexual encounter.
Kelly is feeling considerable stress over her belief that she's the poster girl for deaf people everywhere.
Not wanting her interest to be misinterpreted as pity, Kelly experiences for herself the social discomfort which often stops people from approaching her.