Peter, a new patient, is disappointed when a succession of New Age treatments and philosophies leave him with spirtual malaise.
Peter describes an out-of-body experience which you suspect could really be a brain tumor or epilepsy.
Peter's "glimpse of heaven" could really have been an epileptic seizure.
Peter's brain scan shows an abnormality that could indicate epilepsy, but Peter still believes he experienced a brief glimpse of the afterlife.
Peter is having an affair with his psychic and, together, they are exploring alternate forms of consciousness, perhaps increasing his tendency towards epileptic seizures.
Peter believes that his girlfriend, with whom he'd like to break up, can harm him using her psychic powers.
While telling him that he was a Nazi interrogator in a past life, Peter's psychic spirit guide has taken over Peter's life so completely that he is afraid to have improper thoughts for fear she will divine them.
Peter's psychic girlfriend Serena orders an end to his therapy after she decides that therapy is interfering with her efforts to repair his damaged karma.
Peter wants you to abandon your role as a medical advisor and help him in his psychic journeys.
Peter falls in love at first sight and feels a reason to be interested in real life again.
Peter's jealous guru might be trying to use black magic to injure Eliza.
Peter is still torn between his desire for the extraordinary life offered by Serena and his love for Eliza.
A hospital visit reveals Peter to have severe epilepsy, malnutrition, internal injuries, and a manipulative psychic girlfriend who claims to be pregnant.
Peter tells how Serena went berserk after seeing the damage that Eliza caused to the poisonous plants she was carefully cultivating.
Peter loses his job, his lover, and his guru all while trying to rejoin the real world.
While spending all his time on the Internet, Peter's festering hand--savagely bitten by Serena--leads him to believe that he harbors an evil entity in his flesh akin to a vampire or a werewolf.
Peter, who has suffered a severe psychotic break and believes that he is possessed by a malevolent entity bent on violence, slips out just before he can be committed to a mental hospital.
Peter turns himself into the police for committing a murder with his teeth and claws.
Peter is released from police custody without ever having seen a police psychiatrist.
Peter has, quite literally, gone to the dogs.